Countdown: 10 for ’11

Countdown: 10 for ’11

Wild Flag
Wild Flag

Wild Flag
Wild Flag
If the world needed a happier, older version of Sleater-Kinney (which I fully believe it did), then Wild Flag is that band. Riot grrrls do grow up, and some are even as cool as Carrie Brownstein, Rebecca Cole, Mary Timony and Janet Weiss. There exists not a bad track on this album, and Wild Flag is 100% ass-kicking Rock ‘n’ Roll.

(Editor’s note: my writing partner has requested I stop “dicking around and finish this list already, dumbass”, so these descriptions are going to be fast and furious from here on out. Read: only going to get worse. Or better. Really, it’s a crapshoot. Just blare this album, it’s got two-thirds of the original Sleater-Kinney and is impossible to turn off. Can I go back to fighting with my associate editor now? Thanks.)