Video Mix: Uncle Smackass Tailgates 2012

Video Mix: Uncle Smackass Tailgates 2012

From the gramophone to reel-to-reel to 8-track, from 45’s to cassettes to CDs, from zip drives to hard drives to cloud drives, Uncle Smackass has always been there. And being the music technology maven he is, he must now usher his 2012 mix forward into the newest frontier of sight and sound: the video mix. (He may not be Steve Jobs, but he is closer than you will ever admit to yourself alone in a dark closet.)

While most tracks have official videos, some do not—those simply have artwork and sound. Others are handpicked live tracks to maximize enjoyment, such as The Afghan Whigs’ “See And Don’t See” from the 9:30 Club in DC (which had three Poplosers in attendance).

Poploser Video Mix: the new Betamax.

Please enjoy.