Countdown: 10 for ’11

Countdown: 10 for ’11

Ravedeath, 1972
Tim Hecker

Ravedeath, 1972
Ravedeath, 1972
Ah, experimental ambient minimalism. How would we get through a workday without it? Not for the faint of ear, Tim Hecker’s Ravedeath, 1972, is a brilliant deconstruction of the purpose of music, meant to challenge the listener to discover the energy that is inherent in all instrumental sound. “In the Fog I” is as pop as the next song you hear on the radio, provided you adjust your aural wiring and predetermined expectations of a what a song is supposed to be. “Studio Suicide, 1980” is pure bliss on levels many artists have tried to attain but failed miserably in doing so. The next time you feel like challenging your head—or getting a ton of keyboard-required work done—give this atmospheric gem a well-deserved spin.

“In the Fog I”